General Upgrade Information

What are the System Requirements?

What Needs to be Updated?

Strawberry 6.4 is a major version upgrade and requires all software parts to be updated. This includes…

  • the server software (including all VIEW proxy encoder nodes)
  • macOS & Windows client applications
  • Adobe CC panels

You can find the latest versions of the client and the Adobe CC panel extension in the related section on our website.

What’s the server update process?

The update process can include multiple steps depending on which Strawberry version you are currently running.

If you already are on Strawberry version 6.4.x

The update is incremental and can happen right away.

If you are on Strawberry version 6.2.x (EOL)

We will update you to 6.4 right away.

If you are on Strawberry version 6.0.x. (EOL)

The update to version 6.4 is a direct one and does not include the step of updating to version 6.2 first. However, changes that were made in 6.2 will apply to 6.4 as well and you should familiarize yourself with important changes in Strawberry 6.2 since they can affect your workflow.

If you are on Strawberry version 5.6.x (EOL)

This update needs to be performed in 2 – 3 steps.

1. Update to Strawberry 5.6.12 (can be skipped if either Strawberry 5.6.11 or 5.6.12 is already installed | Important: Strawberry 6.0 Update Info!) | Strawberry 6.2 Update Info!
2. Run the “ prepare_60_update” script from CLI [1]
3. Update to Strawberry 6.4.x

If you are on Strawberry version 5.4.x (EOL)

This update needs to be performed in 3 steps.

1. Update to Strawberry 5.6.12 (Important: Strawberry 6.0 Update Info!) | Strawberry 6.2 Update Info!
2. Run the “ prepare_60_update” script from CLI [1]
3. Update to Strawberry 6.4.x

If you are on Strawberry version 5.2.x (EOL)

This update needs to be performed in 4 steps.

1. Update to Strawberry 5.4.3
2. Update to Strawberry 5.6.12 (Important: Strawberry 6.0 Update Info!) | Strawberry 6.2 Update Info!
3. Run the “ prepare_60_update” script from CLI [1]
4. Update to Strawberry 6.4.x

If you are on Strawberry version 5.0.x or an older version (EOL)

If you are on Strawberry version 5.0.x or another EOL version, please contact our support for details regarding the update.

Important and/or Breaking Changes

Strawberry 6.4 is a major upgrade that includes new features and changes to existing ones. Some of these changes might impact your existing workflows, so you should familiarize yourself with them before the update.

Important Changes to Skies Tiers

Until version 6.2, Strawberry offered a single skies tier for all users. From version 6.4.0 onwards, Strawberry offers 3 Skies tiers. Skies users that existed pre-Strawberry 6.4 will automatically be converted to the highest Skies tier, the Creator tier. Administrators can change Skies tiers on a per-user basis at any time in the Strawberry Admin panel.

Important Changes to Archive Strategies

To better comply with modern archive workflows and to simplify the retrieval of individual files from the archive, Strawberry 6.4 no longer offers the TAR option for new Archive Strategies. Projects archived as .tar files will still be retrievable with Strawberry 6.4 and future Strawberry versions. Existing Archive Strategies that are using the TAR option remain unchanged.

Important changes to Team Quotas

As of version 6.4.16, Strawberry comes with a new quota system that gives Administrators a more accurate overview of the actual storage space consumption of each Strawberry-managed team. Compared to the previous quota system, a single project can no longer count towards the quotas of multiple teams but can now count towards a single team only. While a project can still be assigned to multiple teams, only one of these teams can be responsible for the storage size of that project from a quota point of view. Please check the related manual page for more detail.

Important Changes to the Archiware P5 Integration

Up until now, Strawberry’s API integration into Archiware P5 completely relied on so-called Job Inventory IDs for Strawberry to be able to retrieve files from a P5 archive plan. In October 2021, Projective was made aware that P5 starts deleting these IDs once the job inventory Index that holds these IDs runs full, which results in Strawberry being unable to retrieve the affected assets from the archive. While this behavior is non-destructive for assets in the archive, it is impossible to retrieve affected assets and projects via the Strawberry user interface. To work around this issue, Strawberry 6.4 offers a method to rebuild the P5 job inventory on a per-project basis, which allows customers to retrieve affected content from the archive via Strawberry. However, this method requires manual preparation inside the Strawberry Command Line Interface. Affected customers should contact our support to get additional info on how to initiate the process.

Important Changes to the “Trash” And “Snapshot” Directories

After a project has been successfully archived or deleted, Strawberry 6.4 will immediately remove the project from the Snapshot and the Trash directories. This change will result in a more accurate representation of available storage space after an archival or deletion operation.

Important changes to External Libraries

External Libraries can no longer be archived via Strawberry.


[1] Running the prepare_60_update script might take some time, depending on the number of proxy files generated on your installation. Alternatively, we can manually execute this last step after the update to 6.4.x has been performed. During the manual execution, the proxy files might be displayed with an empty placeholder, and these will come online one by one.

Last modified: Nov 29, 2023

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