General Upgrade Information
What are the System Requirements?
- Support for RHEL 6 and CentOS 6 will end in November 2020 as both products reach their End Of Lifetime (EOL). Strawberry updates released after November 2020 will no longer be installable on these OS versions. Please check the RHEL/Centos versions of your Strawberry server(s) and proxy encoding node(s) and updated them if required. Click here for more help on this topic.
- We have added support for CentOS 8 and Red Hat Linux 8. Click here for more information on the Strawberry server requirements.
- Client software requirements remain unchanged from Strawberry 6.0. Click here for more information on the Strawberry client application requirements.
- Strawberry 6 does not offer panel extensions for Adobe CC 2017 products. Click here for more information on the Strawberry client application requirements.
What Needs to be Updated?
Strawberry 6.2 is a major version upgrade and therefore requires all software parts to be updated. This includes…
- the server software (including all VIEW proxy encoder nodes)
- macOS & Windows client applications
- Adobe CC panels
You can find the latest versions of the client and the Adobe CC panel extension in the related section on our website.
What’s the server update process?
Depending on which Strawberry version you are currently running, the update process can include multiple steps.
If you are on Strawberry version 6.0.x
We will update you to 6.2 right away. The update will be quick.
If you are on Strawberry version 5.6.x
This update needs to be performed in 2 – 3 steps.
1. Update to Strawberry 5.6.12 (can be skipped if either Strawberry 5.6.11 or 5.6.12 is already installed | Important: Strawberry 6.0 Update Info!)
2. Run the “ prepare_60_update” script from CLI
3. Update to Strawberry 6.2.x
If you are on Strawberry version 5.4.x
This update needs to be performed in 3 steps.
1. Update to Strawberry 5.6.12 (Important: Strawberry 6.0 Update Info!)
2. Run the “ prepare_60_update” script from CLI
3. Update to Strawberry 6.2.x
If you are on Strawberry version 5.2.x
This update needs to be performed in 4 steps.
1. Update to Strawberry 5.4.3
2. Update to Strawberry 5.6.12 (Important: Strawberry 6.0 Update Info!)
3. Run the “ prepare_60_update” script from CLI
4. Update to Strawberry 6.2.x
If you are on Strawberry version 5.0.x or an older version
If you are on Strawberry version 5.0.x or another EOL version, please contact our support for details regarding the update.
Important Changes to the Shared Edits Mode (SEM)
Customers running their Strawberry servers in Shared Edits Mode (SEM) now have the option to completely disable subprojects, allowing editors to open projects side by side without interconnecting them in a parent- subproject relationship. This new setting provides more flexibility when working on multiple projects simultaneously or when quickly switching between projects. Customers who want to keep subprojects can do so as this is an optional configuration.
To switch to this new mode, all existing projects have to be disconnected from one another, meaning that all current parent- and subproject relationships need to be dissolved. Projective can offer you a script that will do that automatically for all existing projects. If you are interested in this functionality, please check if your Strawberry server is already operating in SEM and reach out to our support for further assistance.
Important Changes to the Classic Mode (CM)
Back in the days when we released the very first version of Strawberry, collaboration was quite different from what it is today. Adobe features such as “Shared Projects,” “Productions” or even basic project locking didn’t exist, and Avid-style bin locking was only available for companies who invested in Avid’s own shared storage. The lag of secure application-driven collaboration features required different approaches, and Strawberry tackled this by ensuring that shared projects are read-only to the users who access them.
Now in 2020, Strawberry supports all common collaboration modes without relying on projects being read-only. It finally is time to say goodbye to Classic Mode (CM). We will not add new functionality to this mode, and we will put it “End of Lifetime” (EOL) within the second quarter of 2021.
If you have further questions regarding the switch from Classic Mode (CM) to Shared Edits Mode (SEM), please do not hesitate to contact our support team! If you are unsure whether your Strawberry server is currently running in CM or SEM, please click here for more help.
Important Changes to Proxy Files
Strawberry 6.2 offers a new proxy encoding preset called “Same as Source.” When enabled, all new proxy files will have the same resolutions as their HighRes counterparts. The bitrate for this preset is resolution-dependent but does not exceed 18000 Kbit/sec so that the resulting proxies remain manageable for web streaming and remote editing. The “Same as Source” preset is recommended when Strawberry is used for approval workflows and remote editing via the Skies cloud infrastructure.
Introducing Automated Error Tracking
Administrators can now configure Strawberry to automatically send error messages and exceptions to the Projective support team. If you wish to enable this feature, please click here for more information.
Need more help with this?
Visit the Projective Support Websites