About the Trash Folders

The purpose of the trash folders is to recover projects and files that users have accidentally deleted. By default, the trash folders are located inside Strawberry’s “media_2”, “media_2”, etc., on their respective storage. The trash is automatically cleaned up based on an admin-defined-interval.

Strawberry will link entire projects into the trash when…

  • they have been deleted from the Strawberry admin panel
  • they are prepared for being archived

Strawberry will link individual media files into the Trash when…

  • they have been deleted from a project on Finder or Windows Explorer level
  • they have been deleted via the Strawberry user interface

Emptying the Trash manually

Performing the below steps will immediately remove all contents from the Strawberry trash folders on all Strawberry-managed storages.

1. Log in to the Strawberry Admin panel
2. Click on the “Misc” tab
3. Click on the “Empty Trash” tab
4. Click on the “Empty Trash Now” button

Changing the Settings for the Automatic Trash Deletion

Each night at around 3 am(server time), Strawberry runs a job called “DeleteTrashJob”. This job searches through the trash for files older than x hours and removes them from the trash by permanently deleting them. By default, deleted or archived projects and media files remain inside the trash for 168 hours (7 days). This setting can be changed as follows:

1. log in to the Strawberry server via SSH
2. Navigate to the Strawberry config directory

cd /opt/sb4/app/fsbase/config

3. Copy the file “trash.yml.example” to “trash.yml”

cp trash.yml.example trash.yml

4. Edit the file “trash.yml” using an editor of your choice but make sure not to change the formatting or indentation

You will now see the file’s content with the default trash deletion settings

  delete_after_hours: 168

5. Change the numeric value to your preference
6. Save your changes and exit the editor
7. Restart the Strawberry service using “sb restart.” If Strawberry is configured to run on a High Availability cluster, then use the respective

Last modified: Oct 29, 2020

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