Changes in Strawberry-docker v6.6.3 (2025-02-18)
- New: Submit assets into a specific gallery folder.
- New: Bulk release and adjust attributes of gallery assets.
- New: Bulk request review for gallery assets.
- New: Option to disable mediator ingest logic for libraries.
- New: Metrics of the applications can be exported via a Prometheus endpoint.
- New: Support for Google Cloud Storage (GCS) as a cloud archive destination.
- Changed: Removed unused classic mode logic from the backend.
- Changed: After a successful archive, recalculate the sizes of only projects sharing the same file inodes.
- Changed: Only run Lucidlink permission job once per day (in off hours) to prevent it from blocking other Lucid commands.
- Changed: Updated Lucidlink to 2.9.6211.
- Fixed: Proxy playback stopped working in the latest Chrome 133.0.6943.99 macOS build.
- Fixed: Lucidlink permission synchronization job failed with timeout error on filespaces with a lot of permissions.
- Fixed: Exceptions reported to the tracker were missing hostname information.
- Fixed: Files with a certain naming scheme and XML sidecar file were incorrectly detected as mediator packages.
- Fixed: User could not be removed from a team if the membership information was out of sync with Lucidlink.
- Fixed: Users logging in via OIDC were not given proper permissions on the Lucidlink filespace.
- Fixed: Custom metadata field restrictions were not shown when editing the field in the admin panel.
- Fixed: DTCISECRSK-13440
Changes in Strawberry-docker v6.6.2 (2024-12-10)
- Fixed: Admin panel loads slowly when more than a few dozen custom metadata sets are defined.
- Fixed: In gallery search and search filter did not work properly.
- Fixed: Error handler in the admin panel did not show backend error messages.
- Fixed: False positive custom metadata set loop detection when sets have the same creation timestamp.
Changes in Strawberry-docker v6.6.1 (2024-12-04)
- BREAKING: New Adobe panel version 6.6.3 and Skies panel version 6.6.2 are required.
- New: Support for Adobe Premiere CC 2025 and Adobe After Effects CC 2025.
- New: Pasting a “quick link” into the search bar converts it to the corresponding asset/project id search query.
- Changed: [Cloud Archive] `CreateBucket` permissions is not needed anymore when archiving to S3 endpoints.
- Changed: Disabled XMP metadata extraction for PSD files.
- Changed: Removed PSD layer extraction, PSD proxy files will now be a “flat” image.
- Changed: `crs:` and `xmpTPg:` XMP prefixes are no longer extracted and stored in the database.
- Changed: Improved asset search performance when no filter or search term is provided.
- Changed: Improved performance of expanding a project in the frontend that contained many thousand folder.
- Fixed: [Lucidlink] Copying the same file twice into the same gallery/project did not properly suffix the second file.
- Fixed: [Lucidlink] Deleting a file/folder with the same name as a previously deleted one did not work because the trash was not suffixing properly.
- Fixed: [Lucidlink] The client could not connect to the server after switching to a previously/automatically configured Lucidlink Strawberry server endpoint.
- Fixed: [Lucidlink] Importing assets via the panel did not work if the file name contained special characters.
- Fixed: Users invited via email did have their last login time set to the invitation time.
- Fixed: Loading the Admin panel took a long time if many unique metadata properties were present.
- Fixed: Annotation view did not work for users that only have access to galleries.