Project related and general capabilities

Can login to the client application

Users with this capability can login to the Strawberry client application installed on the editing systems

Can login to Strawberry web interface using a web browser

Users with this capability can login to the Strawberry interface using a web browser

Can login to the Gallery web interface using a web browser

Users with this capability can login to the Galleries interface using a web browser

Can create new projects

Users with this capability can create new projects within the Strawberry user interface

Can see users and teams

Users with this capability can see users and teams in the Strawberry system

Can assign projects to own teams and their members

Users with this capability can share projects visible to them with teams that they are a member of including members of these teams.

Can assign project to teams that the user isn’t member

(Users with this capability can share projects visible to them with teams that they are a not a member of)

Projects created by this user are available to all teams of which the user is a member

This will only apply if the user is able to assign Projects to own teams.

Can assign projects to quota teams

Users with this capability can assign projects to quota teams. The disk size of the assigned projects will be added to the quota consumption of the respective teams.

Can archive own projects

Users with this capability are allowed to archive projects that they created only

Can retrieve own projects

Users with this capability are allowed to retrieve projects that they created only

Can archive other people’s projects

Users with this capability are allowed to archive all projects that they see, no matter if they created these projects or not

Can retrieve other people’s projects

Users with this capability are allowed to retrieve all projects that they see, no matter if they created these projects or not

Can use “copy to..” on own projects

Users with this capability are allowed to use “copy to..” on projects that they created only

Can use “copy to..” on other people’s projects

Users with this capability are allowed to copy all projects that they see, no matter if they created these projects or not

Can freeze/melt own projects

Users with this capability are allowed to freeze and melt projects that they created

Can freeze/melt other people’s projects

Users with this capability are allowed to freeze and melt projects that they created

Can modify the status and custom metadata of projects without write access

Users with this capability are allowed to change custom metadata from all projects that they see, no matter if they write access to these projects or not

Can re-scan projects (including Libraries)

Users with this capability are allowed to perform a rescan on projects that they see

Asset-related capabilities

Can delete assets and folders via the user interface

Users with this capability are allowed to delete media assets via the Strawberry user interface (Recommended for super users only

Can use “copy to..” on assets

Users with this capability are allowed to use “copy to..” on media assets from projects that they have at least read access to

Can download proxy version of assets

Users with this capability are allowed to download LowRes proxies from projects that they have at least read access to

Can download high-res version assets

Users with this capability are allowed to download HighRes media assets from projects that they have at least read access to

Can share assets via email

Users with this capability are allowed to share proxy versions of assets via email

Can define custom expiration dates for “Share via Email” links

Users with this capability can define custom expiration dates for “Share via Email” links. If a custom expiration date is set on a share link then the default setting in the Admin panel does no longer apply.

Can revoke share link access

Users with this capability can revoke other users’ share links.

Can re-create proxy files

Users with this capability are allowed to trigger a re-encoding job on any Strawberry managed media asset

Can track down assets

Users with this capability are allowed to see into which projects a given media file is linked.

Can modify custom asset metadata

Users with this capability can modify the custom metadata values (drop-down menus and text input fields) for assets they have write access to.

Can set and modify asset expiration dates

Users with this capability can set and modify asset expiration dates for assets to which they have write access.

Can track down assets but not delete

Users with this capability are allowed to see into which projects a given media file is linked. Caution Advised! This is a potential security risk because it does not respect individual user or team access rights. Users could potentially see names of projects that they normally couldn’t see.

Can track down assets and delete

Users with this capability are allowed to see into which projects a given media file is linked and also delete it from there! Caution Advised! This is a potential security risk because it does not respect individual user or team access rights.

Annotation & Description related capabilities

Can comment on projects

Users with this capability can write comments for projects

Can comment on assets

Users with this capability can write comments on assets

Can annotate on assets (Add markers)

Users with this capability can write annotations for assets

Can download annotations

Users with this capability can download the annotations of an Asset.

Can delete other people’s annotations (deletion of own annotations is always possible)
(Users with this capability can delete annotations that other people created)

Gallery related capabilities

Can Create Galleries

Users with this capability can create new galleries. Once a user creates a new Gallery, that user will automatically become a manager of that Gallery.

Can submit Assets to Gallerie

Users with this capability can submit assets to existing Galleries. If the submitting user isn’t a member of the Gallery to which he or she submits an asset, then a Gallery manager has to approve the asset submission.

Preditor related capabilities

Can login to Preditor (to open sequences)

Users with this capability are allowed to login to Preditor

Can create new Preditor sequences

Users with this capability are allowed to create new sequences within Preditor

Can assign sequences to own teams and their members

Users with this capability can share Preditor sequences with teams that they are a member of including members of these teams.

Can assign sequences to teams that user isn’t a member of

Users with this capability can share Preditor sequences even with teams that the user isn’t a member of

Sequences created by this user are available to all teams of which the user is a member

This will only apply if the user is able to assign Sequences to own teams.

Can export and import Preditor sequences

Users with this capability can export and import a Preditor sequence to an existing Strawberry project

Can download sequence as XML/AAF file

Users with this capability can download Preditor sequences as XML or AAF files

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