Skies can archive and restore projects to and from various cloud endpoints. Below is a list of currently supported endpoints.
Supported Archive Endpoints
Amazon AWS
Standard S3, Standard IA, One Zone-IA, and Glacier Instant Retrieval are fully supported for archival and retrieval operations. Intelligent tiering and Lifecycle rules can be applied to the bucket, but please note that Strawberry cannot automatically retrieve files located in Glacier Flexible Retrieval and Glacier Deep Archive. These files must be manually restored to a supported storage class before Strawberry can access them.
Backblaze B2 (S3 API)
The bucket must be private, and Default Encryption should be enabled. Keep Object Lock disabled. Create a New Access Key
and ensure the access type is Read and Write
. You might need to create or attach a policy to the user that restricts access to the specific bucket. Ensure that the API key has access only to the archive bucket and that the type of access is Read and Write
. Leave File name prefix
empty. Only modify Duration
if you plan on changing keys regularly.
Lucidlink Basic Filespaces
Once the Basic Filespace has been set up you must create a user with read and write access to the filespace.
Strawberry Skies S3 Archive
Strawberry Skies S3 Archive is Projective’s archive offering for the Skies cloud infrastructure.
If needed, you can enable Bucket Versioning
. Please note that Wasabi buckets are private and encrypted by default, the recommended configuration for archive buckets.