Archive strategies allow you to define discrete archive locations and methodologies for different types of projects. When a user presses the “Archive Project” button in the user front-end Strawberry will offer the archive strategies defined here.
- Log into the Administration panel and click on the “PROJECTS” tab
- Expand the “Manage Online Projects” bar
- Select the project(s) that you want to archive by clicking on the checkbox(es) next to the project name(s) and press the “Archive” button below the project list
- Choose an “Archive Strategy” from the list and confirm
What happens after a project has been archived?
- All project snapshots and trash folders will be removed from the storage.
- A new trash folder will be created for the project. (e.g. trash/project_trash_test/2022.01.12_13.56.55). Files in the trash folder will be permanently purged after a customizable time period.
- Then all files from the project files will be removed from projects/projects, media_1/media, etc.