You can initiate Fingerprinting from either the Strawberry admin panel or via the Command Line Interface.

Running Fingerprinting from the Admin Panel

  1. Login to the Strawberry admin panel.
  2. Click on the Projects tab.
  3. In the Projects section, click on the Manage Online Projects bar. If you want to run the fingerprinting job on a library instead, click on the Manage Libraries bar.
  4. Check the boxes next to the projects or libraries you wish to fingerprint.
  5. Click on the Indexer button below the project/library list.
  6. Click on the Create Fingerprints radio button and then press Confirm

You can now check the Sidekiq UI for enqueued and running fingerprinting jobs.

Running Fingerprinting from the Strawberry CLI

1. SSH login to the Strawberry Linux server as root.
2. Type sb fingerprint and press Enter. This will load the Rails environment.
3. Choose either of the options by pressing the corresponding number and pressing Enter.

root@dstrawberry ~ () $ sb fingerprint
Loading Rails environment...
1. Fingerprint files that don't have fingerprints
2. Fingerprint everything
3. Nevermind

The files are now being added to fingerprinting Sidekiq queue for processing. You can now check the Sidekiq UI for enqueued and running fingerprinting jobs.

Last modified: Apr 26, 2024

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