Basic Asset Search
1. Login to the Strawbery user interface with your credentials
2. Select a search tab or create a new search tab by clicking on the “+” button next to an existing tab
3. Make sure that the “Assets” search filter is selected
4. Enter your search term into the search field. You don’t need to press “enter” as the search will start instantly as you type. Per default, Strawberry searches through the following asset metadata.
- Asset names
- Asset descriptions
- Custom asset metadata
- Asset Markers (Annotations)
- Asset folder paths
- Assets project metadata
- Technical metadata
Advanced Asset Search
You can further narrow down asset search results by using Strawberry’s advanced search.
1. Follow the above steps inside the “Basic Search” paragraph
2. Click on the “Show Advanced Search” icon next to your Project & Assets search filter
3. The following search filters will appear:
Storage Location Filter
You can enable/disable individual storage location filters by clicking on them. Right-click on a filter to perform bulk actions for that filter.
- Online (left icon) – Searches for assets on the online storage
- Library (middle icon) – Searches for library assets
- Archive (right icon) – Searches for assets that are in the archive
Asset Type Filters
You can enable/disable individual asset type filters by clicking on them. Right-click on a filter to perform bulk actions for that filter.
Asset type filters from left to right are:
- Video Files
- Image Files
- Audio Files
- Non-Media Files
- Linked Files
Time Filter
When hovering over the time filter, a time slider will appear. Use the slider to narrow down the search in the following time segments:
- Beginning of Time (∞)
- Last Year (1Y)
- Last Quarter (3M)
- Last Month (1M)
- Last Week (1W)
- 24 Hours (1D)
Search Scope
Click on the drop-down menu to narrow down your project search results by additional criteria.
Asset scope filters are
- Everywhere: Searches through all available filters
- Filenames: Searches for assets by their filenames only
- Context: Searches for assets by…
- .. their folder path
- .. the metadata of their parent project
- .. the status of their parent project
- .. the template of their parent project
- Descriptions: Searches trough asset descriptions
- Metadata: Searches through technical and custom asset metadata
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Visit the Projective Support Websites