

Gallery managers can control the release properties for each individual asset inside a Gallery. Gallery members are bound to these properties when interacting with the assets.



While an asset is unreleased (private) only Gallery managers can see it. As soon as an asset is released, Gallery members can see it. The release of an asset will also trigger notifications to Gallery members, informing them about the release of the asset. Released Gallery assets that have already been released can also be made private again.

Proxy can be Downloaded

If this box is checked, Gallery members can download the proxy version of the Gallery asset to their local computer. For content security reasons we do not recommend to use this feature when working with sensitive data. If utilizing the feature is a necessity, we recommend having visual watermarking enabled for downloadable proxy files.

Can be shared via Email

If this boxed is checked Gallery members can share the asset with other individuals via email. Please note that the release properties of this asset will also be valid for the Email receiver.

Released Until

When clicking on this field a calendar will open. Using this calendar you can decide for how long the asset should remain released until Strawberry sets it to private (unreleased) again. When the asset is unreleased, Gallery members will no longer be able to see it in the Gallery and all email links for this asset will stop working.

Last modified: Jan 15, 2020

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