To view or change your project notification & auto-subscription settings do the following:

1. Login to Strawberry with your credentials
2. Click on the settings wheel in the lower right corner of the user interface

3. Click on the “Notifications” and then on the “Projects” tab

Notify me about my subscribed Projects in the following ways

Here you can define what kind of project notifications you want to receive and how they should be delivered to you


Here you can define based on which interactions Strawberry should automatically subscribe you to projects.


To avoid spam, you can define after how many days without interaction you will be automatically unsubscribed from a project. Interactions for projects are:

  • Opening
  • Adding is as a subproject
  • Description Changes
  • Status Changes
  • Custom Metadata Changes
  • Archival
  • Retrieval
  • Copy-to
  • Freeze
  • Melt

Auto-Unsubscribe Examples for Projects

If auto-unsubscribe for projects is set to 30 days, then you will be unsubscribed from a project when you haven’t…*

  • opened it for 30 days
  • used it as a subproject for 30 days
  • changed its description for 30 days
  • changed it status for 30 days
  • changed its custom metadata for 30 days
  • archived it for 30 days
  • retrieved it from the archive for 30 days
  • copied it using “copy-to” for 30 days
  • frozen it for 30 days
  • melted it for 30 days
Last modified: Jan 16, 2020

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